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La Chinata Hot Smoked Paprika Powder 750g Tin

100% Hot Smoked Paprika Powder.

No preservatives, no added sugar, no additives. 100% Natural.

Net weight: 750 gr / 26,46 oz

Available in its Sweet, Bittersweet and Hot varieties.

Gluten free.

Kosher certificate.

Availability: In stock


Product Description


Product certified under the Protected Designation of Origin “Pimentón de La Vera”.

The perfect size for restaurants, chefs, hotels or big fans of our smoked paprika powder.

For the elaboration of our Smoked Paprika Powder “La Chinata”, we choose the best peppers from ‘La Vera’ region, making a precise selectionof our farmers. The crops begins with the plantation of the fruit in the seedbed in the middle of Winter. Later, in May, when the plant has already grown, it is moved to the land so that it completes its growing. The varieties of peppers used for our hot variety is ‘Jariza’